We are the prodigal!
Our mission is to use my documented prodigal journey as a tool to help everyone understand that; your pain is my pain, and my pain is your pain. Though our past and blemished experiences may look different…they are really one and the same. To inform the world that, we - the lost and broken - are the “prodigal” sons and daughters from the Bible. Also, that there is hope in the form of grace, faith and forgiveness. And that freedom and healing is available to everyone no matter what your gender, race, age or nationality.
In The Love of a Father and the Journey of His Prodigal Son, Clapper’s life’s story is a testament of God’s mercy, grace, forgiveness, and freedom—all of which are also extended to you. Regardless of your mistakes, you can begin anew—today.
Miraculously, he survived this calamitous and murky time in his life where he slit relationships, risked his health and freedom, hurt loved ones, dented lives and livelihoods, and suffered from addiction. For years, he wrestled with, and was tormented by, the belief that he will never be forgiven or given the opportunity to make amends—until he obliged an unlikely request from an unlikely requestor.